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Invited Talks



  1. Dysregulators of cylindrical proteases as antibacterial agents. University of Minnesota at Twin Cities. November 12, 2024. Hots: Courtney Aldrich

  2. The Antimicrobial Potential of Self-Assembling Peptide Amphiphiles. Biopharmaceutics Research and  Development Symposium. Omaha. September 19, 2024.

  3. Peptide amphilphiles- inhibitors of cylindrical proteases; nanoantibiotics with dual mechanism of action. MEDI-Young Investigator Symposium. ACS National meeting, Denver. August 20, 2024

  4. Molecular Structure, Supramolecular Control, Biological Activity; the Many Roles of Peptide Amphiphile Nanostructures. Hassan II University of Casablanca. May 14, 2024.  Host: Dr. Brahim Achiou

  5. From Molecular Structure to Supramolecular Control; Modifying the Behavior of Peptide Amphiphile Nanostructures. Creighton University, March 14, 2024.  Host: Marisa Zallocchi

  6. Killing Bacteria by Modulating Cylindrical Proteases.  Winter in Person Organic Symposium, December 19, 2023. Host: Laszlo Kurti

  7. From Small Molecules to Biomaterials, Finding a Research Path.  Creighton University, November 10, 2023.  Host: Erin Gross

  8. Inhibitors of Cylindrical Proteases and Nanoantibacterials: When Medicinal Chemistry Meets Material Sciences, October 20, 2023. Host: Cody Wenthur

  9. Modulando la actividad de proteasas cilíndricas para controlar infecciones causadas por clamidia (in Spanish). University of San Martin, Argentina, July 12, 2023. Host: Diego Noseda

  10. Modulando la actividad de proteasas cilíndricas para controlar infecciones causadas por clamidia (in Spanish). Center of Investigations in Biosciences (CIBION), Argentina, July 7, 2023. Host: Leonardo Lizarraga

  11. Dysregulators of cylindrical proteases as antibacterial agents. North Dakota State University. April 26, 2023. Host: Roberto Gomes

  12. From Molecular Structure to Supramolecular Control; Modifying the Behavior of Peptide Amphiphile Nanostructures. South Dakota State University. April 25, 2023. Host: Joshua Reineke

  13. Dysregulators of cylindrical proteases as antibacterial agents. University of Nebraska Lincoln, March 21, 2023: Host: Kurt Pieperbrink

  14. From Small Molecules to Biomaterials, Finding a Research Path. Brigham Young University, October 4, 2022. Host: Roger Harrison

  15. From Small Molecules to Biomaterials, Finding a Research Path. Brigham Young University, October 4, 2022. Host: Roger Harrison

  16. Tuning Molecular Structure to Achieve Supramolecular Control of Peptide Amphiphile Nanostructures . University of North Carolina at Greensboro,  September 23, 2023. Host: Dan Rabinovich

  17. Tunning Molecular Structure to Achieve Supramolecular Control of Peptide Amphiphile Nanostructures, University of Strathclyde, June 15, 2022. Host: King Aaron Lau

  18. Tunning Molecular Structure to Achieve Supramolecular Control of Peptide Amphiphile Nanostructures, University della Calabria, June 13, 2022. Host: Donatella Armentano

  19. Tunning Molecular Structure to Achieve Supramolecular Control of Peptide Amphiphile Nanostructures, Max Plank Institute for Polymer Science, June 2, 2022. Host: Christopher Synastchke

  20. Síntesis y evaluación de moléculas que afectan la función de proteasas cilíndricas (Seminar in Spanish). University of Buenos Aires, May 11, 2022 (Zoom). Host: Javier Ramirez

  21. Small Molecules and Biomaterials; Two Diseases, Two Solutions. Beijing Institute of Technology, December 9, 2021 (Zoom). Host: Jia-Hua Liang

  22. Small Molecular Changes, Big Supramolecular Changes. Structural Characteristics of Self-Assembling Peptide Amphiphiles. Florida international University, October 29, 2021. Host: graduate students

  23. Small Molecules and Biomaterials; Two Diseases, Two Solutions. The University of Mississippi, October 21, 2021 (Zoom). Host: Davita Watkins

  24. Synthesis, Biological Evaluation, and Structure-Activity Relationships of Heterocyclic Antichlamydial Agents-University of North Texas, October 15, 2021.  Host: Liz Skellam

  25. Peptide Amphiphiles: Bioinspired Molecules, from Basic Design to Antibacterial Properties- University of Texas Arlington, October 14, 2021. Host: Robin Macaluso

  26. Molecular changes to achieve supramolecular control of peptidic nanostructures. VII Argentine Congress of Soft Matter, September 29, 2021

  27. Organic and Medicinal Chemistry meeting biophysics: Solving microbiological problems- American Chemical Society, Division of Organic Chemistry, Young Academic Investigator Symposium, August 24, 2021

  28. New Treatments against Old Diseases: Redefining Small-Molecule Therapeutics- International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry World Congress, August 17, 2021

  29. Peptide Amphiphile-Based Nanostructures: From Basic Molecular Design to Antimicrobial Action. Frontiers in Global Science- Royal Scientific Society of Jordan, May 24, 2021. Host: Kyle Cordova

  30. Peptide Amphiphiles: Bioinspired Molecules, What Can They Do? What Can We Do!. Regenerative Medicine Program - University of Nebraska Medical Center, April 7, 2021 (Zoom)

  31. Heterocycles to treat Infectious Diseases: Old Chemistry, Old Infections, New Treatments. Federal University of Grande Dourados, Brazil, November 30, 2020 (Zoom). Host: Roberto Gomez/Vitor Rodrigues de Souza

  32. Química, Ingeniería, y Ciencia de los Materiales; Intersección en la Nanotecnología (Seminar in Spanish). National University of General Sarmiento, Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 18, 2020 (Zoom). Host: Carlos Belmar Orellana

  33. Peptide Amphiphiles; Structural Characteristics and Microbiology of a Promising Class of Biomaterials. University of Nebraska at Omaha, November 16, 2020 (Zoom). Host: Nathalia Rodrigues de Almeida

  34. Peptide Amphiphiles; Structural Characteristics and Microbiology of a Promising Class of Biomaterials. INIFTA, University of La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 20, 2020 (Zoom). Host: Agustin Picco

  35. Peptide Amphiphiles, Microbiology and Structural Characteristics of a Promising Class of Biomaterials

  36. Design and Synthesis of Heterocycles as New Antibacterial Agents. Federal University of Itajuba, Minas Gerais, Brazil, October 22, 2019 

  37. Peptide Amphiphiles, Microbiology and Structural Characteristics of a Promising Class of Biomaterials. Kansas State University, October 15, 2019 

  38. Nanostructures as Antibacterial Agents. Role of Supramolecular Morphology in Biological Action. Georgia State University, April 23, 2019 

  39. Nanostructures as Antibacterial Agents. Role of Supramolecular Morphology in Biological Action. University of Illinois at Chicago, April 3, 2019

  40. Design, Synthesis, and Evaluation of Amphiphlic Peptides as New Antimicrobial Agents. Wichita State University, October 3, 2018

  41. The Development of Small Molecule Antibacterials. DePaul University, September 14, 2018

  42. Synthesis, Biological Evaluation, and Metabolic Studies of Phenazines, 2018 ACS-National Meeting, August 20, 2018

  43. Development of Self-Assembling Biomaterials with Biomedical Applications. Center of Investigations in Biosciences (CIBION), Argentina, August 1, 2018

  44. Design and Development of Self-Assembling Biomaterials. University of Buenos Aires-INQUIMAE, Argentina, July 30, 2018

  45. Design and Development of Self-Assembling Biomaterials. University of San Martin, Argentina, July 27, 2018

  46. Development of Self-Assembling Biomaterials with Biomedical Applications. University of Chile, Chile, July 4, 2018

  47. Design and Development of Self-Assembling Biomaterials. University of Sao Paulo-Ribeirao Preto, Brazil, June 23, 2018

  48. Antimicrobial Activity of Amphiphilic Peptides-Composition and Structure. Federal University of Grande Dourados, Brazil, June 20, 2018

  49. Antimicrobial Activity of Amphiphilic Peptides. Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, June 19, 2018

  50. Small Molecules, Peptides, and Nanostructures; Where Can We find the Next Antibacterial? University of Nebraska at Lincoln, April 10, 2017

  51. Synthesis and Development of Novel Self-assembling Biomaterials. University of Nebraska at Omaha, October 5, 2015


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